口琴組成立於一九七一年, 由幾位對口琴有興趣的朋友組成,屬於黃大仙社區中心社區工作部其中一個興趣小組,但當時的口琴組尚未有正式名稱。 一九七二年,著名口琴大師梁日昭先生亦曾經在樂團執教,由這時開始,口琴組除經常參與文娛康樂活動和義務演出外,更應邀參加電視台的演出,致力向公眾推廣口琴音樂文化。一九七三年口琴組參加了一個電視台的音樂比賽節目,成績非常優異,而且認識了當時比賽的評判口琴名家徐德明先生,為了提高口琴隊的水平,於是力邀徐德明先生為口琴隊名譽顧問兼口琴導師。 同年(一九七三年),成立了第一屆幹事會,經會員大會通過,決定將口琴組定名為「曉彤口琴隊」(以下簡稱為「曉彤」)。在除德明先生悉心指導下,「曉彤」自此發展為正統音樂的半音階口琴樂隊,所演奏的樂曲也比以前更多樣化,不但有西洋音樂,而且加入了中國民族音樂作品,這對「曉彤」在口琴音樂發展來說,是一個重要的起步。 The Harmonica Group was established in 1971, formerly being one of the interest groups of the Wong Tai Sin Community Centre Workgroups. In the beginning, Haletone was founded by several young harmonica enthusiasts in the form of a small ensemble. But at that time, the group was not formally named yet. In 1972, the famous harmonica master Mr Leung Yat-chiu had been joined the group as the harmonica teacher. From that time onwards, the group began their great mission of promoting the art of harmonica music and culture to the public. They were not only taking part in cultural activities and performing voluntary performances in the local community; they were also invited to participate in TV performance programmes The harmonica group focused on playing pop music at the time of its inception. In 1973, the group took part in a music competition for a TV programme and achieved a very outstanding result. The famous harmonica soloist, Mr Tsui Tak Ming was the adjudicator of that competition. To heighten the performance techniques of the group members, they invited Mr Tsui to be the honorary advisor and instructor of the harmonica group. In 1973, due to the rapid growth of the group members, they formed a committee for the administration of members. Resolved in a committee meeting, the committee members decided to name the group formally “Haletone Harmonica Orchestra” (hereafter “Haletone”). Since then, being fostered by Mr Tsui Tak Ming, Haletone has developed into a chromatic harmonica orchestra and played a wide variety of music. Haletone’s repertoire was not only in western music but also included Chinese music. Then, an aggressive reformation for Haletone began. 一九八四年,由前指揮車永樂先生和前主席曾劍崗先生領導下,「曉彤」在香港大會堂舉辦了一次歷史性的大型公開演奏會,表演節目包括口琴管絃樂團大合奏和徐德明先生口琴獨奏等,演出獲得音樂界的稱譽。一九八五年應邀到荃灣大會堂,為香港青年合唱團作伴奏,這可算是一種新的嘗試。為了更有系統教授口琴課程 , 一九八五年開始進行編制第一本的半音階口琴教本 , 經過一段時間試用後 , 在一九八七年發行初版 , 正式發給口琴培訓班使用。 由七十年代中至八十年代尾,「曉彤」表現非常活躍,經常舉辦公開音樂會,令隊員有更多演出和學習的機會,亦經常鼓勵隊員參與公開性的音樂比賽,如香港校際音樂節比賽等,隊員屢獲獎項。可是,隨後「曉彤」的活動經過了一段很長時間的低潮。 Led by the conductor, Mr Chair Wing Lok, and former Chairman, Mr Tsang Kim Kong, Haletone presented a large-scale public concert at the Hong Kong City Hall Theatre in 1984. As a new concept, Haletone was invited to perform a harmonica accompaniment to the Hong Kong Youth Choir at the Tsuen Wan Town Hall in 1985. In order to enhance the training of the harmonica classes, they published the first chromatic harmonica learning book in Hong Kong in 1985. After a long trying period, in 1987 the first edition of the learning book was officially released to the harmonica classes. Haletone was very active from the mid-1970s to the late 1980s. During this period, they organized concerts frequently to provide team members with more performing and practising opportunities, such as competition performances at the Hong Kong Schools Music Festival. Yielding fruitful results, a number of members were awarded prizes in the competitions of the Music Festival. Unfortunately, after that, Haletone encountered a long period of inactivity. 直至一九九九年,「曉彤」設立了「曉彤口琴網」(http://www.haletone.com),開始利用互聯網無窮的發展潛力,讓更多人認識口琴音樂藝術,於是「曉彤」的活動又再蓬勃起來。二零零四年 ,除經常為不同的社團活動表演外,亦經常參加義務演出,回饋社會。「曉彤」除了在音樂推廣方面作出努力外,亦經常為隊員舉辦康樂活動,以增進隊員間的感情。二零零六年二月,「曉彤」在香港太空館演講廳舉行了「曉彤口琴觀摩會2006」,繼而在同年九月於黃大仙社區中心禮堂舉行「音樂薈萃35」。二零零六年九月,「曉彤」經特別會員大會通過,進行了內部重組,社團註冊名稱定為「曉彤愛樂口琴樂團」 (Haletone Philharmonica)。二零零七年十月,由現任主席王鑑威先生及指揮羅創民先生帶領下,首次以「曉彤愛樂口琴樂團」名稱在沙田大會堂文娛廳主辦「曉彤口琴觀摩音樂會 2007」。二零零八年八月,再接再厲,在上環文娛中心舉辦了「曉彤口琴觀摩音樂會2008」,顯示新一代「曉彤」的活力。 In 1999, Haletone set up its own homepage, letting more people know of the art of harmonica music. Meanwhile, Haletone became lively and energetic again. Since 2004, Haletone has presented numerous performances in various activities. Apart from promoting music art, Haletone also frequently arranged entertainment and leisure activities for members to foster their relationships. After a long inactive period, in February of 2006, Haletone presented a concert “Haletone Harmonica Concert 2006”, at the Lecture Hall of the Hong Kong Space Museum. Then in September of the same year, another concert was held at the assembly hall of Wong Tai Sin Community Centre. In September of 2006, having resolved in a special meeting of the members, the committee of Haletone was restructured. The new registered name of the group was “Haletone Philharmonica”. In October 2007, led by the present Chairman, Mr William Wong and conductor, Mr Law Chong-man, Haletone for the first time used their newly registered name and presented their annual harmonica concerts at Shatin Town Hall. With the energetic spirit of the new Haletone generation, in August 2008, they presented other annual harmonica concerts at Sheung Wan Civic Centre. 在培育口琴人才工作方面,除定時在黃大仙社區中心舉辦免費口琴班之外,亦以非牟利為原則,與學校和其他團體合辦口琴班。此外,本著推廣口琴音樂的信念,「曉彤」在 2007 年開始,開辦了一系列的免費口琴專題講座,其中包括「 Jimmy Chan 藍調口琴入門講座」、「劉俊雲半音階口琴講座」和「韋恆熹半音口琴講座 」等,並邀請了半音階口琴大師劉俊雲先生為樂團顧問。2007年,邀請了劉俊雲先生、陳鎮安先生 (Jimmy Chan) 和盧德光先生分別擔任曉彤口琴網站 (http://www.haletone.com) 的半音階、藍調和複音口琴討論區版主,希望帶給所有口琴愛好者一個無分地域國界的網上口琴交流平台。二零零九年,得到深資隊員口琴名家伍德望先生歸隊,擔任樂團指揮。自一九七一年至今,「曉彤」已有三十多年歷史,培育口琴學員數以千計,人才輩出,發展過程雖然並非十分順利,歷盡起跌,幸好有賴一群熱心隊員的努力,「曉彤」得以在風雨中漸漸成長。新一代的「曉彤」會積極與其他口琴團體緊密聯繫,並鼓勵隊員參與本港及國際性的口琴活動。未來,「曉彤」仍會繼續努力以赴,不求名利,全心全意,延承以往優良傳統和信念,竭力提高隊員的水平,培育人才,透過多元化和普及化的活動,將口琴音樂文化推廣至社會各階層。 To achieve the mission of promoting the art of harmonica music, Haletone held free harmonica seminars for their members, including “Jimmy Chan’s Introductory Seminar on Blues Harp”, “Anthony Lau’s Chromatic Harmonica Seminar” and “Wai Hang-hay’s Chromatic Harmonica Seminar”, etc. After that, they invited the famous chromatic harmonica master, Mr Anthony Lau to be their honorary advisor. Aiming to set up a virtual discussion platform through the internet, they invited the harmonica masters, Mr Anthony Lau, Mr Jimmy Chan and Mr Lo Tak-kong to be the moderators of the Chromatic Harmonica, Blues Harp and Tremolo Harmonica Forums respectively on the Haletone Website. In 2009, the former Haletone fellow and famous harmonica soloist, Mr Ng Tak-mon returned to Haletone and took up the duties of an orchestra conductor. Since 1971, Haletone has been serving the community for over 38 years; and arranged harmonica training for thousands of people. Although they encountered great difficulties during the development stages, with the great effort of their enthusiastic group members, Haletone has been growing steadily. The new Haletone generation will vigorously connect and coordinate with other harmonica organizations and encourage their group members to enrol in local and international harmonica activities. In the future, aiming at their traditional mission, Haletone will keep working hard and endeavour to train and strengthen the harmonica playing skill of its members; and through diversified and popularized activities, promote the culture of harmonica art to the community. |